Tuesday, March 25, 2008

conscious movement: a first-draft definition

I've been trying to come up with a good definition of "conscious movement". Here's my first draft:

i consider conscious movement to include any kind of movement practice that
involves training one's awareness or shifting one's energy. the practices all
have to do with inhabiting our bodies more fully and more deeply.

the intent is more than just having fun, getting exercise, blowing off steam,
although those can definitely occur! the intent is to notice any
shifts in states that may occur as you do the activity and to learn new ways to
shift states.

the result for most people will be feeling more joy, openness, vitality,
well-being, centeredness, empowerment, and brainpower.

conscious movement techniques include yoga, yana chaqui and hula (both shamanistic techniques), trance dance, 5 rhythms, brain gym, eye movements, walking
meditation, mudras, tensegrity, feldenkrais, sufi whirling,
and lots more. i would include breathwork, too. the participant is active,
rather than being a passive recipient.

i'd like feedback, and will continue to refine this definition.

i have done quite a few of these practices.

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