Tuesday, December 23, 2008

the true meaning of christmas: radiance

i hope that whatever your plans are for christmas, that you take some time to experience and appreciate your own and others' and the world's radiance. that has come to be the true meaning of christmas to me. it's about radiance, of which the christ child is a symbol. the energy of solstichristmakwanzukahh is that of radiance.

one dear friend told me that she wasn't looking forward to the usual family dysfunction (old stories, old roles, old rules) and all that contraction when they gather for christmas. with a prompt from magician bobbi, she determined to perceive each family member as having the beautiful, powerful, pure, trusting, innocent radiance of newborn babies. instant expansion!

people respond to radiance. that state, for me, is associated with beginner's mind, presence, clarity, focus, openness, unconditional love, innocence. it is most vulnerable and yet paradoxically, it's incredibly powerful.

when someone looks at you with radiance, accept it in your heart and bask in its glow. let your radiance shine to others too. fill their hearts and fill yours too--both at the same time.

it is especially meaningful in this season of short days and long nights when we become more social, tribal, communal. let your light shine!

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