Monday, December 8, 2008

thoughts on mind

the conscious mind is what you are aware of at any given moment.

the unconscious mind is everything else. i really mean that. the unconscious mind is everything else in the universe that is not in the conscious mind.

so if i'm thinking about making some tea, that's conscious. the connection of my energy to everything else that exists in the universe--trees, stars, rocks, water, fire, ancestors, relations, earth, microorganisms, galaxies, matter, energy, spirit, life force, that cute guy, the crying child, that violent person, the grieving person, the crazy person, the dying person, the unborn child, past, future, present--is unconscious.

just knowing this, getting this, understanding this, living this is huge. at every moment, whether i'm aware or not, i am connected to the whole universe, and it is connected to me, and we support each other, and really, there is no "other".

consciousness has levels. and if the conscious mind comes to understand and accept that this connection is present all the time, it changes consciousness. it's not a matter of either conscious or unconscious. you can have both at the same time, and indeed, you always have.

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