Monday, December 8, 2008

2009: year of the breath

katie raver created a facebook/meetup group called 2009: year of the breath. click the title of this post to go to the website, read, and join, if you like.

we'll meet monthly, on alternating tuesday evenings and saturday afternoons. there will be weekly how-to posts on breathing practices you can do at home. there will be an RSS feed you can subscribe to for these emails.

here's the january meeting description (and more about the work kathleen is doing now):

Shift Happens
with Kathleen Radebaugh

Using the breath practice of Fanning with Spatial Relations Changework... to get a powerful shift.

Tuesday, January 20, 7pm to 9:30pm
Location: Unity Center, Room 206 (9603 Dessau Road, Austin, Texas)
$10 Donation

Fanning is a simple process for releasing blocks and attracting your desires.

Fanning often creates profound shifts within.

Using the practice Carlos Casteneda calls 'recapitulation,' Don Americo Yabar and Tom Best (see for more information) have developed 'fanning,' a process for shifting energetic connections.

After aligning the mind, heart, and body with intention, the breath is used to clear - or "fan" - inappropriate energetic connections and refresh and strengthen appropriate energetic connections between an individual and other people, emotions, and/or events.

Facilitator Kathleen Radebaugh developed Spatial Relations Changework (SRC) from her own experiences of the work of David Grove, James Lawley, Penny Thompkins, Stephen Gilligan, Nelson Zink, Tom Best, and the body of work called Neuro-linguistic Programming. This powerful toolbox allows her to co-create new worlds with her clients, assisting them to quickly and easily shift old patterns, beliefs, and behaviors in a deep, lasting, and ecological way. Common changes from just a few hours of SRC include hitting the 'reset' button on one's life purpose, increased awareness of limiting patterns, and resolving unhelpful internal conflicts.

Bring something you'd like to shift, be it something you want less of or something you want more of.

About Kathleen Radebaugh, M.A.
As she was developing the early processes of Spatial Relations Changework, Kathleen underwent a radical life change in which she sold her home in St. Cloud, Florida in the middle of a recession, dispersed all her possessions, completed the 18-year-long project of writing and publishing her literary western novel Walker's Island, and fulfilled her dream of moving to Austin, Texas. Having refined SRC through hundreds of hours of client testing, she now facilitates clients in a 4 part series of 4 hour sessions, customized to each client to help them explore the inner worlds that limit and motivate them. You can reach her at (407) 924-4161 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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