Monday, December 15, 2008

i'm being published

Stricken: The 5,000 Stages of Grief is being published in January. An essay I wrote is included.

A book reading will take place at BookPeople on Wednesday, January 28, 2009, at 7 pm. I may be one of the readers, yet since there are 14 contributors from Austin (local writer and raconteur Spike Gillespie pulled the book together), I may not. Details remain loose, but I plan to attend whether I'm reading or not. I haven't met the other contributors, and I look forward to that.

The book is available for pre-order on

You can also request it from any local bookstore, and copies will be for sale at the book reading and at BookPeople.

I wrote the essay many months ago, and actually, I forgot about it until I got an email from Spike about the opening. It'll be interesting to read what I wrote and see if what I wrote then is close to what I'd write now!

Yes, there is living in the present after grief.

1 comment:

  1. I'm SO there! I hope you get to read. That would be neat.
