Saturday, December 27, 2008


today i got to do one of my favorite things: watch a sunrise starting when it's still completely night. kathleen (with buckshot, the boxer) and i convoyed to pedernales falls state park. it's about 50 minutes away that early. we left at 5:09 am, arrived at 6 am. watched stars twinkle out and the lightening sky in the east.

low clouds on the horizon before dawn became heavy clouds shortly after dawn.

very comfortable temperature without a jacket or hat, marvelous to experience on december 27.

walking from cars to overlook without light and being able to stay on the path in the darkness...

expanses of limestone punctuated by water...

a wooded ridge across the stream...

rock, rock, and more rock...

a gushing spring...

deer hoofprints in the sand...

an occasional distant plane but otherwise no sounds but wind and water and birds...

many trickles and washes and falls and damp places...


so lovely and serene.

did peripheral walking back to the car. it stayed with me on the drive home.

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