Friday, December 19, 2008

fighting a sinus infection

last sunday a cold front blew into austin, complete with gusty winds and freezing temperatures at night that didn't rise much with daylight.

sunday night i began sneezing. the inside of my nose felt inflamed and sensitive. my sinuses were soon congested, and then my throat got sore.

i felt a little better in the daytime.

when the front left sometime tuesday night, i felt a shift occur. i stopped sneezing, but the sinus congestion remained. yesterday it really got to me. i left work early. i cancelled celtic christmas at the cathedral with peggy and stayed home to nurse myself after stopping at whole foods in search of remedies.

i got a homeopathic remedy, phytolacca decandra, specifically for sore throat radiating to the ears, which mine was.

and whole foods was out of fresh ginger! i bought some local honey, and with ginger and lemons i had at home, made a fragrant, soothing, delicious hot tea to sip on.

i googled acupressure and found pressure points for the sinuses. there are several: inner wrists, outside thumbnail, web of hand, 2nd toenail, eyebrow, just outside nostril. (google for more specifics, these are general locations.) i've been applying pressure with a pencil eraser or my finger intermittently since then.

i also used a neti pot last night. the warm saline solution couldn't travel far, but it turned out to be somewhat effective. today when i've bent over, fluid comes out. gross.

and i meditated. i'd have to say it wasn't one of my deepest meditations, but i'm positive it helped more than not meditating would have.

i went to bed early and felt pretty good this morning, except for the dang sinus congestion.

it's friday, about 6:45, and it's back and forth. is it going to turn into an infection, or can i clear my sinuses and breathe freely?

i figured the sneezing was probably because of allergies, that that cold north wind was blowing something in that my immune system mistakenly reacted to with alarm. cedar? i don't usually react, but did one year, at least 10 years ago.

the allergic reaction is gone, but the aftermath remains. wish me luck with my self-healing efforts, and if you know how to do the NLP allergy cure, would you be willing to work with me?

tonight i'm doing ginger tea, neti pot, homeopathic remedy, extra zinc, and going to bed early again.

what do you do?

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