Saturday, June 28, 2008

dream: no conscious memory

i awoke on friday, june 27, with a sense of having had a full, complete, satisfying dream sometime before i woke. the dream left me feeling intact and congruent, maybe even entertained.

i have absolutely no conscious memory of the content of the dream. not an image, sound, word--just a feeling that all was right with me and the world.

i used to feel disappointed when i didn't remember dream content.

not any more.

it's worthwhile to explore what i do have a sense of when i awaken, instead of focusing on what is missing. i know my unconscious mind is working for me. even the dreams i don't consciously remember have an energetic impact. they can be healing and peaceful and joyful and build congruency, even though i don't remember any content.

if i wake up at the "right" time in the sleep cycle, or a dream has enough "news of difference" to remember, i will. if not, my dreams are still working for me.

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