Tuesday, June 17, 2008

dream: funny toilet

dreamed on june 11.

i work at a newspaper and go on vacation in a rented house somewhere in rural louisiana, near a small town. i'm with a woman friend. i'm really grateful for this vacation. i'm off work for a week.

i am with a man in this rented vacation house. (the woman friend is not present.) in one room, there's a very high toilet, like 4 feet high. he's sitting on it, posed like rodin's "the thinker" statue. he gets off it and puts me up there. there's a sheet of saran wrap across the bowl. he tricked me! i start laughing, and so does he.

we go outside and see a rough road cut into the dirt. it goes up a hill. we see where the driveway leaves the road and comes to the house.


i worked at two different newspapers when i was in my twenties, in small towns in western oklahoma.

this seems like a feel-good, goof-off, having fun dream.

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