Thursday, June 5, 2008

dream: play and work

dreamed on june 3.

i am in maui, at the beach. surfers are surfing. the water recedes way out. i know this is a sign of a tidal wave coming,and i tell everyone to run inland. i look back--no sign of the tidal wave, and the water has receded way out. i worry that we won't be able to get high enough before it comes to escape being engulfed.

in the next scene, i'm in a relationship with a man. we keep meeting, separating, meeting, as if some intrigue is occurring between us that we don't want other people to know about. we seem to be actors, and we are enacting something we have planned. we are in a theater-like setting, partly open, in maui. (nothing about a tidal wave.)

in the last scene, i am with jeri, a former colleague. she is jolly. we are not at work.

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