Friday, February 15, 2008

a snowman biography

forgive me for indulging, but my nephew sam is quite an imaginative writer, and i want to share this very short story he wrote.

A Snowman Biography

by Sam Battle, age 7 (my nephew)

Hello. My name is James W. Snow. I am currently 36. My middle name is Whoosh. I'm right-sticked. I live with Berra, my wonderful wife, Snowflake, my 6-year old daugther, White, my 7-year-old son, and Button, our dog.

I was born and raised in an igloo. Later Mum (Mom) was killed in World Snow War 1 (I), and my dad died of old age. Grandma died in World Snow War 2 (II). Grandpa lives.

I am a little ashamed of my middle name, Whoosh. This is because my dad was some wind.

Well, folks, goodnight.

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