Monday, February 25, 2008

my car runs!

well! i bought a new battery for my car last week and installed it yesterday. voila! it started right up.

i still don't know if the alternator is having problems and just occasionally working. i drove it to HEB last night but called my daughter first, to let her know that if it didn't restart in the HEB parking lot, i'd be calling her for a ride home.

it started. it's started 4 times in a row now.

this morning i drove it to work, since it is so unwieldy to carry groceries for the week while biking or walking 1.5 miles. (i bring yogurt, bananas, apples, spinach, salad dressing, carrots, green onions, etc.--breakfast, lunch, and snacks.)

driving, i notice what an old rattly car i have. it's convenient to have and use occasionally, but i LOVE walking and biking!

maybe i'll keep it for occasional use, or sell it and use carshare occasionally. now that it seems to be running, there's also that idea of making it into an art car, for occasional use.

hmm.... i could use it as a canvas and affix oddities to it. like barbies! i could be driving "the barbie car"! mermaid barbie, executive barbie, astronaut barbie, red carpet barbie, couture barbie... paint it pink and silver...

but then could i bear having that parked in my driveway?

or perhaps just a simple, tasteful mermaid barbie affixed as a hood ornament, and a bumper sticker "my other car is a bicycle."

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