Thursday, February 28, 2008

hillary vs. barack

Hillary was the heir-apparent. First there was George H.W. Bush in 1988, then Bill Clinton in 1992, followed by George W. Bush in 2000, to be followed by Hillary in 2008. You know that's what she, and Bill, and the Bushes, were thinking. It's as if they all believed Hillary was entitled to be the next president.

She thought so too, especially after Monica.

I don't think Americans like this idea of our country ruled by two dynasties.

I think that's part of the appeal of Barack to voters. This is OUR country, too, and WE get to choose. This is not a monarchy, with automatic familial succession to the throne. We get to pick who we want.

W. has been a flat-out disaster as president, and his qualifications to be president were based on the fact that his father was president. He had name recognition, and people generally liked Poppy Bush. And, of course, after Monica, people wanted something different.

But W. ain't no Poppy, just like Hillary ain't no Bill.

So pardon us, Clintons and Bushes, but we voters are skeptical. You don't get any free rides any more. We've had enough and we want change.

If Hillary had been a strong voice of the opposition in Congress, it might be different now. But she played "go along to get along" instead of questioning our involvement in Iraq. What was she thinking? That she'd play nice now and get to do things her way after she got elected? Hillary, where's your fire, woman?

She could have established herself as the voice of change, but she didn't, and Barack neatly stepped into that role, leaving her as the voice of the status quo--NOT a position any politician would like to be in with the most unpopular president ever a lame duck. And it's too late now for her to change.

Plus, political dynasties in America haven't been successful. Look at the Kennedys. The most respected name in Democratic support is Caroline Kennedy, who seems to have no ambitions at all to ever hold an elected office. Her father and uncle were assassinated, and her brother, who might have been a political star, died young. She supports Obama. Smart woman.

So I'm voting for Barack Obama in the Texas primary and probably in November as well. A lot can happen between now and then, but I know I'm ready for a change, and he is the kind of leader I want/we need.

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