Tuesday, May 6, 2008

hand analysis

On Friday evening, I did something for the fourth time--I participated in a group reading by Richard Unger, director of the Institute of Hand Analysis in San Francisco. Luckily, he has grandchildren in Austin and travels here several times a year. He does group readings--someone hosts him and invites 12-16 people. Each person pays $35 and gets a public reading in front of the group lasting 5-10 minutes.

Last year, after 3 group readings, I finally decided to have a one-hour private reading. It was interesting and inspiring, and this time Lela wanted to come. So we met at Clarita's. I didn't know everyone there, but Pauline, who organized it, was there, and Clarita, Lakshmi, Christine, Ammathyst, Anais, Nicky, Lela, and me.

Richard was in fine form.

Here in a nutshell is what he said about me: I have "Garfield tips"--as in Garfield the cartoon cat clinging to the back window of the car. But it doesn't mean I'm clingy--just the opposite: I'm the "gotta be free, gotta be me" type. He said Janis Joplin had tips like that.

There was a red splotch on my mount of the moon, where I have a bull's eye fingerprint on my palm (the spiritual teacher life purpose).

He said I was really into spiritual integrity, and I grade myself on a curve more harshly than others--if I'm one degree off, I notice. The red splotch comes and goes and may appear when I feel I have sold away some of my freedom. Hmm.

He noticed a bow in the line of Mercury, which is basically a curved line from base of pinky to wrist on outer part of palm. He said this is the mark of a life coach and spiritual teacher--it's a line of clairvoyance--and that my hand has integrity of life purpose--the lines, fingerprints, and hand shape all confirm this destiny or identity or whatever you want to call it.

He asked me if I was employed as a spiritual teacher. I said no. He said I was more of a "closet clairvoyant" and recommended that I come out of the closet and declare to the world, "Here I am, a spiritual teacher!"

I told him that was terrifying, and he said I was right to be terrified. I can't imagine telling people that! But it did start some wheels turning... I'm sure I'll write more about this later.

Then he read Lela's hands. She's a "big hearted sweetie pie"! I knew that! She's got a big heart, is a great mom, has found a job she loves, being a nanny to three preschoolers, and she's been studying to become a nurse. Relationships are her thing.

Others there had hands that indicated ferocity, philosopher, healer, gifted, the Midas touch, clever, achievement-oriented, in the spotlight, private, etc. I won't say who publicly--let these folks reveal what they want to whom they want.

It's a source of information, the way I see it. And of course, everything is filtered through Richard's filters, but I respect anyone who's looked at over 50,000 hands and made some sense out of them.

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