Monday, May 26, 2008

dream: future/past changes

dreamed on may 23.

i am at barton springs with my friend colleen, only it's different. the part of the creek just below the dam ("the dog beach") is under a roof, and the enclosed pool, which is like an extension of the original existing pool separated by the dam, has stairs that go from the dam downstream. i'm not 100% sure it's barton springs, but i have the same affection for it that i have for barton springs in waking life. one of lela's old childhood friends (male) is there too.

i walk a few blocks, and i'm in fort scott, kansas, where i lived in 1962-63, when i was 9 and 10 years old. i want to go see the house i lived in. lela is there, and she's with this old childhood friend. they've gotten together romantically after he realized what a dick he'd been to her and recognized his true feelings. i feel happy about this. i'm glad he's come out of the closet. they seem to be a good match.

i walk over to my old house and see the national guard is doing some exercise on the street in front of the house, complete with uniforms and rifles pointed at the old school across the street. i can't get close to the house.

message: hmm! it occurred to me that the change to barton springs might happen in the future. what if more swimming pools have roofs built over them to prevent sun damage to human skin as the atmosphere changes with global warming?

about lela and her childhood friend, i realized something about his inner emotional conflict and needing to set a boundary. i told her his behavior had nothing to do with her. i think she needed to hear that.

about the national guard: i wondered if there has been or is going to be a SWAT team type incident in fort scott, or what reason there might be to have such defenses around that house. i don't know.

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