Monday, May 19, 2008

dream: news of difference

i have long written down my dreams. i have journals going back 25 years with dreams in them! i've read a lot about dreaming, and i treasure my access to this realm.

my friend peggy, who shares this interest, introduced me to a book, dreaming true: how to dream your future and change your life for the better, by robert moss. i started reading it last night.

moss take a shamanic view of dreaming, citing ancient cultures (and harriet tubman) and the place dreaming held for them. he says dreams give us direct access to spiritual realms, allow us to travel beyong the body, time, and space, and to receive visitors, including ancestors and angelic beings. dreams give us images and energies that are a bridge to a deeper reality, and we can access them for healing and living our soul's purpose.

sharing dreams is part of this type of dreamwork, so that others may share comments and provide insight. so i've decided to add dreaming as a topic on this blog and start by sharing a dream i had this morning. i remember two scenes.

in the first, i am going to a college math or science class (not my strong suit). i either hadn't been for a while or hadn't done my homework. i wondered if i should even be there. but something was lively about it--the prof, the projects. it wasn't what i expected. it was even better.

in the second scene, i am in the front passenger seat of a van driving at night. i discover that there are three young men sleeping in the back. (i am younger too.) they wake up when i uncover them. two of them i knew, and one was someone i'd had a relationship with. i was delighted to see him. the third young man is someone knew, but he is someone i have admired and wanted to get to know. i am excited to discover that he's going to share this journey!

i awoke forming a sentence in my mind: look back at the face in the mirror.

the message seems to be to let my expectations be loose, because something or someone even better than expected may show up!

FYI, "news of difference" is a term coined by gregory bateson and used a lot in NLP. the idea is that we notice differences.

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