Tuesday, February 10, 2009


i had my initial exam and adjustment yesterday. NUCCA is a type of chiropractic care that focuses only on balancing the head on top of the spine. there is one office in texas, back n balance here in austin, with 4 NUCCA chiropractors. click title to go to their website.

dr. lorenzen (very young, cute, and well-trained) did an intake about health problems, concerns, and medical history.

she had me stand on a machine with calipers for measuring whether my pelvis was level. it wasn't. the machine also measured how much weight i carried on each foot. i was carrying 10% more weight on my left foot than right!

then 3 x-rays of my head and neck from different angles.

then dr. lorenzen read the x-rays and showed them to me. she had drawn lines with pencil to show where my center was and where it should be. my atlas (C1, the top vertebrae on which the cranium rests, next to brain stem) was 5 degrees to the left and 1 degree back.

then adjustments. lying on my right side, dr. lorenzen pressed on the atlas, which is accessible between the jaw and mastoid (bone behind the ear).

probably because it's been out of alignment for so long, she worked up a sweat! she pressed maybe 60 times total, and at least half the time i could hear a tiny click. she'd get up and have me walk and then measure again.

then two more x-rays, then resting in a recliner with a blanket over me. i fell asleep for i don't know how long.

it's considered out of network health care, so the $351 applies to my $500 deductible, and it's eligible for reimbursement from my medical flex spending account.

i'll do a followup visit in a week and continue until they're sure the new alignment is holding.

meanwhile, i am delighted. my neck and back feel freer of tension than ever. i'll be detoxing for awhile as my body releases toxins from the stress of being misaligned.

i'll keep posting on my blog as i continue to integrate this big change.


  1. Feeling better is definitely the ultimate measure. That's great! I'm also curious -- when they remeasured, were you centered?

  2. yes! i forgot to say initially i was carrying 10% more weight on my left foot than right. after treatment, my pelvis was level AND i was within 1% of being left-right balanced by weight, which the dr. says usually happens once she gets people that close. my spine just unwound. AND a fabulous synchronicity...i will be a volunteer for massage students to practice zero balancing on this weekend, balancing my physical structure with my energy body!
