Friday, November 14, 2008


i am so grateful for so much. for my dreams and for all the uncertainty that precedes the significant ones that represent shifts. for my 19-year-old cat, sitting next to my computer as i type this. she often visits me when i go to sleep and when i wake. i am grateful for her long years of companionship.

i am deeply grateful for my daughter lela and my granddaughter hannah. words just cannot express how much i love and care about and enjoy them.

i am grateful that i am able to choose good food and to recognize when i eat something not so good for my body, like the yummy strawberry cheesecake i had today for dmitry's birthday.

i am grateful for co-workers willing to swap being on call on weekends so that i can work this weekend and have the following weekend, the weekend of nightwalking, off.

i am grateful for naropa university for existing. looking through their graduate programs is like christmas morning.

i am grateful for my brothers and their wives and children, frank, bill, kathy, helen, grace, and sam. i think about all of them often with much affection.

i'm grateful for my friends, for kathleen, fantasia, peggy, colleen, linda, sarah, marco, keith and katie, jaime and kathleen, my NLP community, my shamanic community. and i'm grateful for all the friends i haven't met yet or befriended yet.

i'm even grateful for some of the rougher parts in my life--the loss of my sister, my father's asperger syndrome. they have been part of this experience, and i savor the contrast of when life and relationships are going well. they also keep me humble.

i'm grateful i have a good job with a good salary, a good hybrid car, a house that's homey, a yard with a garden and now a firepit.

i'm grateful for my health, awareness, heart, mind, body. i'm grateful that eleanor stretches me in yoga and that i have improved so much over the last 3 years, able to do poses i wouldn't have imagined i could do.

i'm grateful for patrice and all her experience, knowledge, and wisdom. and for active life chiropractic and for nina davis, my cranio-sacral therapist. together we are getting me healthy, in a way i wouldn't have believed possible a few years ago.

i'm very grateful for this incredible planet--its sky, winds, weather, soil, rock, rivers, oceans, islands, mountains, its incredible range of geography and beauty, for sunrises and sunsets, plants, animals, cities, deserts, poles.

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