Friday, November 14, 2008

dream: i see the bigger picture

this morning i shut off the alarm thinking i'd get up, but then went back to sleep, unusual for me.

in my dream, kathleen and i are traveling together. we are at a college campus that reminds me a bit of oklahoma state university's campus, the first college i attended. we have been doing a workshop there, and soon it will be time to leave.

we've been boarding with some cool people, very open and generous. it's morning, and i'm getting my breakfast together. a plate has been set out, but i put it back and get a green cut-glass bowl down from a cupboard. then i start looking for something to eat. i open cabinets and the fridge, selecting and rejecting and tasting various foods. i assemble something that is something like a granola with honey and yogurt and dried fruit on it, and i eat it.

i go outside. i somehow gain height--and perspective. i see that the town is on a gentle slope down toward a valley with a river, and across the valley in the distance is a range of mountains.

this isn't an ordinary range of mountains. they are of a fairly uniform height, and they are fairly evenly spaced. each mountain top is snowcapped. they look like they are in a fantasy landscape, almost as if painted, almost as if in a children's book/film like narnia. there is something special about them.

the view is breathtakingly beautiful. i want to go into those mountains.

i come back down and find kathleen and tell her about it. she's excited too. we decide that's where we'll go next.

i remember that i have an office job that i've taken time off from to do this workshop. i consider the consequences of not going back: people will be inconvenienced, and i will be abandoning my personal items in that office, photos, etc. i know they will send my check to me; it'll be in the mailbox when i get home.

that job now seems so tiny, distant, and irrelevant. the mountains, and adventure, call.

i wake up.


my roommate kathleen is leaving this morning for a one-day seminar on getting set up as a clean space practitioner in san francisco. i am with her in spirit.

my job now is definitely not a throw-away job like my job in the dream.

boulder, and naropa university, are in the mountains.

feeling thrilled and excited is thrilling and exciting!

life often spirals with time, allowing us to re-experience aspects differently, from who we are NOW.

i've been afraid to really go for a dream. i've held back, discounted, repressed. now it's time to face, cultivate, play.

follow your bliss.

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