Friday, October 3, 2008

what is a maverick?

i'm curious about this word, as well as wondering why being a maverick is supposed to be a good thing for a president/vice president to be in this day and time, facing the problems this country faces.

from good old

mav·er·ick /ˈmævərɪk, ˈmævrɪk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation [mav-er-ik, mav-rik] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. Southwestern U.S. an unbranded calf, cow, or steer, esp. an unbranded calf that is separated from its mother.
2. a lone dissenter, as an intellectual, an artist, or a politician, who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates.
3. (initial capital letter) an electro-optically guided U.S. air-to-ground tactical missile for destroying tanks and other hardened targets at ranges up to 15 mi. (24 km).
[Origin: 1865–70, Americanism; after Samuel A. Maverick (1803–70), Texas pioneer who left his calves unbranded]

—Synonyms 2. nonconformist, independent, loner.

looking at definition 2 above, does a maverick listen to his or her associates? does a maverick explain the basis of his/her reasoning?

it seems to me that sometimes being a maverick could be a good thing, as in being able to think for oneself, and it could be a bad thing, as in making risky decisions without being accountable.

i guess it's up to the crowd to make the determination. is a maverick a good thing for a presidential candidate to be? are there other presidents who have been considered mavericks? and how often does one have to dissent from his/her associates to be labeled a maverick?

1 comment:

  1. The meta model questions that immediately come to mind are: maverick in what way? Maverick from which 'herd?"

    Maybe being a "maverick" in this case just means, "I need to distance myself from W. It's rude to dis a member of my own party, especially the highest ranking one, so I'll just say maverick and hope that people associate me with someone who will do something other than what's been done."
