Wednesday, September 17, 2008

12 states of attention: my trip to west texas

In July, I took my first trip to west Texas. Driving out there, I noticed the landscape gradually change from hills, to mesa, to flat lands with occasional mountains. Sometimes I’d see a car approaching in the distance or a buzzard circling.

I heard the sound of the tires on the road, and then later I put on a CD and listened to poetry.

As I was driving, I noticed it was hot and adjusted the air conditioner. i enjoyed feeling the cool air blow on my face.

We went to a star party at the McDonald Observatory. As I was falling asleep that night, I vividly remembered that sky full of stars, especially the brightness of Jupiter low in the western sky.

Later I remembered the hearing sounds of kids shouting and splashing in the pool at Balmorhea State Park and a mechanical noise that I couldn’t identify.

I like camping, but after 3 nights in a tent, I anticipated crawling under the covers and feeling my whole body relax as my head hitting the pillow. Ah!

as you can infer, i hope, the 12 states of attention are states we already use. this is just a conscious framework for it.


  1. Oooh! I do like this post. Thank you!

  2. I just reread this post and thought to myself: this is one of my favorites of yours. And apparently, I thought something similar last time :) Your fan, Katie
