Wednesday, July 22, 2009

remembering dreams

When you dream, your eyes move rapidly. REM sleep is when dreams occur.

When you wake up and know you've dreamed but don't have memories of the content, here's what to do to remember:

INTEND to remember as much as you can.

MOVE YOUR EYES in all directions, as if you are searching for the dream memories and imagining where they could be. Up, down, left, right, center, diagonally, in random order. And move them fairly quickly, like 2 moves per second.

You are almost guaranteed to hit on something from the dream. It may be an image, a sound, words, a feeling, a movement. Keep doing it for a minute or two.

My hunch is that if you can gather enough fragments of the dream, the whole dream may suddenly bloom in your conscious mind!

If you experiment with this, please let me know your results.

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