Tuesday, July 29, 2008

inner communication

i recently finished reading frogs into princes by richard bandler and john grinder. it's one of the early NLP books.

in the last part, they talk about parts and reframing and hypnosis.

what i got from that was an understanding that all my parts except what's in conscious awareness at any given moment are unconscious, and they all want something positive for me. much of my life is run by my unconscious. it keeps me going, doing a huge amount of work, and sometimes it seems like my conscious mind just gets in the way, bungling around with this belief and that, trying to manage.

so i thought it would be really a good idea to give my unconscious parts permission to all be aware of each other and to work together congruently, creatively, and intelligently to give me the best possible life they can. i want them to all appreciate all of the work they've been doing. some of it has been truly great work.

i don't need to be consciously aware of what they've done, are doing, and will do. what i want is for them to get even better at running my health, spiritual awareness, energy conservation and use, relationships, developing talents, manifesting, making decisions, and happiness. and do this all behind the scenes, but well. so i can consciously be surprised and delighted by how well my life is going, by the opportunities and messages that show up.

i wrote this in my journal on sunday morning.

this morning i dreamed that i talked to someone i haven't talked to in two years, a relationship that i ended because i realized i did not trust him.

when i woke up, i knew something had shifted inside.

in my dream i talked to him as if i could trust him, as if he understood emotional consequences. he didn't talk in monologues in the dream. he was actually responsive.

it feels like my inner communication is working. my body feels different inside, like there are fewer boundaries, less tension, less strain. i feel more relaxed and at peace. i feel more congruent.

i have given up so much of the present dealing with the past. i want to be more present and let the past stay in the past. it's gone. there's no need to dwell on the many weirdnesses of my history.

it's like my inner control freak just relaxed. sweet!