Thursday, January 31, 2008

first post of 2008

it's been awhile since i've posted anything. not that nothing has been going on! a couple of things of note:

i went to maui for 3 weeks in december and january. i danced at the studio maui, doing the 5 rhythms with a group of very fit, very sexy hawaiians! i snorkeled, hiked in forests, sunbathed, climbed streambeds, went up a volcano, hiked to waterfalls, and generally spent a lot of time just taking in the incredibly beauty of maui.

also, i completed my NLP practitioner training! i began last april and just received my certificate on january 27, 2008. i can use techniques such as the phobia-trauma cure and the allergy counter-example technique (and many more) to relieve emotional and physical suffering. signing up for that training started a process of evolutionary change that is ongoing.

i'll be writing more about these experiences.

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